

Ships from Manufacturer | up to 8 weeks

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Ships from Manufacturer | up to 8 weeks



Howler adds an extra layer of warning for intersections and high-risk areas when used with a 100/200 watt siren amplifier, providing deep tones to penetrate other vehicles, alerting drivers and pedestrians of your approach.

New WeCanX™ models available

  • Add-on to any 100/200-watt siren amplifier
  • Uses low frequency tones to synchronize with the vehicle’s primary siren tones
  • Includes low frequency siren amplifier and speaker(s)
  • Works with any sweeping, Hi/Low, or electronic mechanical tones generated by the primary siren
  • Scan-Lock™ allows for easy set-up of tone duration and frequency style
  • Uses the primary siren speaker output wires and divides the frequency to one of three frequency bands via Scan-Lock™ buttons
  • Selections are ¼ tone, ½ tone, or a composite of both
  • Includes two external cancel controls: choose from 12 volt or ground deactivation
  • Certain vehicle models may utilize single or dual speaker systems